

I am

I am waiting for my friend.

You will

You will have to wait in line.

I have

I have been here a long time.

Does not

He does not like sports.

Must not

You must not be late.

I would have

I would have done it if i could.


Good bye

You say hello, I say good bye.

Come on

Come on, let’s go. I’m tired.


What’s for breakfast?

Some of

She likes it some of the time.

Most of

He likes it most of the time.

Out of

Get out of here.


A hamburger and French fries.


Hi, how are you doing?


Do you want a Coke or Pepsi?


What’s he doing?


That’s him.

Have to

I have to go now.

Has to

She has to stay, she can’t go.

Want to

Do you want to go?

Going to

Are you going to go?

Don’t know

I don’t know how to do it.

Next time

I’ll see you next time.

Good deeds

He does good deeds.

Stop pushing

Stop pushing me!


I can cook.

She can

She can read.

They can

They can come.


An apple

Bring me an apple.

Bananas and oranges

I like bananas and oranges.

That’s enough

I said that’s enough.

At all

I don’t like it at all.

Stop it

I said stop it now.

Did it

Hey, I did it!

With it

Get with it, will you?

Find out

Let me find out for you.

Right away

I’ll be there right away.

Sent it

I sent it to you by mail.

What if

What if I say no?

Can’t answer

I can’t answer that question.

New sound added:

Be able

I won’t be able to come.

Say it

I can’t say it correctly.

Blow over

The storm will soon blow over.

How is

How is your friend doing?

I am

Yes, I am.

Go up

Go up the stairs.



I’d like a glass of water.


Push me the butter.


I’ll have a bottle of water.

What a

What a beautiful day!

What I

What I want is you.

Is there

Is there any place to go?

Is that

Is that all there is?

Don’t your

Don’t your friends care?

Could you

Could you please help me?

Miss your

Do you miss your family?

Where’s your

Where’s your hometown?

Dropped ‘t’:


It’s in the center of the page.


Please lend me twenty dollars.

Dropped syllables:


Do you remember me?


I’ll have another drink.


It’s about time you showed up.

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